How are our group shows helping artists to progress with their career

Our group shows are helping artists to progress with their career by providing opportunities to exhibit their work and connect with other artists. These shows also help to raise awareness of the artist's work and build their reputation. By taking part in these shows, artists are able to develop their skills and knowledge, as well as gain valuable feedback from peers and experts. In addition, these shows provide a platform for artists to sell their work and generate income. We believe that our group shows are making a positive impact on the careers of participating artists. They are offering them the opportunity to network with other creatives, present their work to a wider audience and gain invaluable feedback from industry professionals. Ultimately, this will lead to more success for artists in their respective fields.

With two permanent galleries, in Athens, Greece and London, UK along with a series of pop up shows across the globe (USA, France, Belgium, The Netherlands to mention a few), The Holy Art presents an exceptional platform for artists of all levels.

We are passionate about supporting and promoting emerging talent, and we strive to provide our artists with every possible opportunity to reach their goals. We put great effort into ensuring that each artist has an enjoyable experience at our shows, and that they are given the support they need throughout the process. Our goal is to help as many artists as possible progress in their career, so that they can achieve greater success.

Overall, we believe that by providing these group shows for artists we have created an environment where creativity is nurtured, and where artists can thrive. We are proud to be helping them on their journey to success.

By working together, we are creating a community of creatives who are able to support one another in achieving their goals. We believe this is an essential part of building a successful and sustainable career in the world of art. Through our group shows, we hope that these artists will be able to take advantage of all the opportunities available to them, so that they can create a lasting legacy for future generations. Our goal is to continue providing these group shows with the aim of empowering and supporting emerging talent as much as possible. With these events, we strive to make sure that good art is rewarded and talented individuals have opportunities for growth. We hope that these events will continue to foster creativity and help our participants grow in their respective fields. By working together, we are creating a community of creative individuals who can support each in achieving success. Together, we can create a lasting legacy for generations to come.


"FAMILIAR & STRANGE" London Group Exhibition! - Round Up!


"FIERA" ATHENS Group Exhibition! - Round Up